KOSMICA is a one-of-a-kind space organisation developing initiatives that bridge the arts and humanities, the space sector and the wider society.
KOSMICA is a global institute founded in 2011 with the mission to create a space organisation for critical, cultural and poetic discourses on our relationship with the universe, space activities and their impact here on Earth.
KOSMICA supports that space does not belong to anyone and our relationship with it is deeply rooted in every culture around the world. We believe that all of us have a stake in humanity’s actions beyond our planetary home. In particular, we are convinced that artists, poets, anthropologists, musicians, philosophers and other cultural practitioners can bring unique perspectives to the debates and issues surrounding space activities.
KOSMICA curates and produces original content, projects and programmes. Each of our activities is unique, bringing together experts across disciplines to explore the cultural impact of space activities, the future of humanity and the most urgent issues we are currently facing on our planet.
KOSMICA is primarily based in Berlin and Mexico City and works worldwide in partnership with cultural, academic, and scientific institutions as well as industry to deliver workshops, exhibitions, educational programmes, festivals, consultancy services and more!
Even before space travel was possible, artists from various disciplines were already thinking about space travel. These cultural works inspired both scientists and engineers who made space activities possible. Today, as history seems to repeat itself beyond Earth, the role of imagination and creativity is even more important. Artists can directly contribute to shaping new technologies and cultural frameworks for the future of space activities.
As our abusive behaviour toward Earth continues, we urgently need to reimagine our relationship with the planet and have important debates about our political, economic and patriarchal models. KOSMICA believes that we can use the vantage point of space to gain perspective on our current situation and be inspired to find disruptive methods to heal our relationship with Earth.
When imagining the future of our societies, space becomes a critical field that must be examined and reflected. Throughout history, artists have envisioned countless ways to engage with the universe in critical and poetic ways. KOSMICA believes that these future visions can have a tremendous impact on how we approach space. While space activities are often a continuation of older logics and practises of Western powers, inventing new alternatives to colonialism, exploitation and commodification is crucial if humanity is to become kind and just.
The history of space activities is dominated by affluent and industrialised nations, often tied to military and economic imperatives. In turn, space activities and their narratives have further cemented the dominance of these superpowers, reinforcing existing patriarchal structures, gender politics, racial and colonial orders. This legacy leaves little room for genuine cultural diversity in space. At KOSMICA we examine the origins of these norms and propose a more inclusive sector that reflects the diversity that exists here on Earth.
As much as we need to invent new ways to solve our challenges on Earth, we also need to learn to stay silent and listen. In recent history, Western narratives have superimposed a single way of understanding the universe and our place in it, silencing the wisdom of our ancestors. At KOSMICA, we trust that by listening and learning from Indigenous, Aboriginal and First Nations voices, we can gain valuable knowledge about how to move forward on Earth and to the stars.
Whether we venture into the depths of space or lie in the grass and watch the night sky, space shows us what a unique and mysterious home we have. KOSMICA wants to get people excited about our universe and the planet we inhabit. Either by bringing the scent of the Moon to Earth or by exploring the history of spiritual practises in space, we gain a new appreciation for our cosmic experience. Remembering that we share this journey with other existences on this planet, in this solar system and in this universe is a reason for celebration!